
awareness with acceptance

Looking out on another hour of precipitation to the stone pathway, with the realization aside from flooding areas the wind blew leaf bare, and flooding areas the non-stop rain runs over mud and slippery rock, the stones of this path are not lined up acceptance that they are and acceptance that they are not

Now in LA…rain

Probably the last big storm of the year, and a cold Alaskan air bringing it in. A chilly ride home Bringing sporadic hail, like the bit we passed in North Hollywood

A light morning rain

thoroughly enjoying a cool morning ride with a little light rain going through Sepulveda Pass this morning

LA River…channel full

LA river may be flowing strong today, from all the water main breaks that occurred this week. The aging underground water pipes have suffered significantly with over 30 breaks this month, causing flooding, street closures, AND FULL water channels for the “LA River”. This channel is next to my Sepulveda work building. You can see …

LA River…channel full Read More »