
Spring Comes in

sitting by the French doors8:00, it’s April evening dark writing by the light of the Pink full moonlistening to an old John Prine song“that’s the way the world goes round”doing my memorial to his musical gift,and wondering who’ll be here tomorrow,i may be, i may notunless i’m only frequencyeither way, what i need to dois

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“ Pisces seeks a love that sweeps you off your feet and whisks you away to a magical world.”alwayswaitingwith telepathy…so, when she finally got enough nerve up to talk to him, in the school cafeteria. It was all rather normal and mundane, on the outside. Although she had practiced ad infinitum, in her head, some

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Gemini was standing behind a table display, at the edge of the beachcalling out with compelling confidence and gestures as if he owned that vast spacemeeting all he did not already know, with his open, approachable, friendly smileasking to join him in a sip of teathe tea was coolrefreshing during a walk on Isla Verde

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Scorpio sauntered along the side wall, taking his calculated time,waiting for everyone else in the room to take their leave,then with mesmerizing eyes, caught her gazetook her hand and recited outloud her most secret dreams,dismissing her demons, making the sharing making them realmaking the touching making then real making the world recklessly freefall awaymaking now

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February Moon

the quarter moon… the vibrant, larger than life Feb. moon that has been frolicking with Venus, of late so full of radiance in its shadows, that craters and lakes are visible to the naked eye this clear evening well, that same moon is chasing the setting sun this very moment a sun that lights the

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