lunchtime blog
update April, 2013 lickety split, we’re bought and gone bye, bye posterous ——————————- April 03, 2009 lickety split, and i have a blog
update April, 2013 lickety split, we’re bought and gone bye, bye posterous ——————————- April 03, 2009 lickety split, and i have a blog
Awake to watch the suncreep up the horizonas the leaf turns to itwith good friendsthe adoration of the catsand work i consider worthwhile.
As the leaf turns to it Read More »
Forget pixel perfect screen mock-ups. They are not a useful option anymore. structure the content structure the content functionality hierarchies produce a pattern library and a style guide of building blocks Stop thinking about “page” layouts. The layouts are complex patterns of content blocks allowing the user to complete a specific level task or gather
need to repeat this like a mantra, every day! There is nothing more persistent, than a temporary solution. – first heard from Nataliya There is nothing more persistent, than a temporary solution. – first heard from Nataliya There is nothing more persistent, than a temporary solution. – first heard from Nataliya
OH: Nataliya (many times while programming) Read More »