Month: May 2020


You live long enough, you will need to look in your own mirror, you are honest with yourself, you will know when it is time to raise your voice, you will do it because we are all one we are nothing without each other it is time for change over and over again and we …

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One afternoon

i keep having these flashes of the view from Grandpa Wrights front patio, out into the vastness of the mirage that is the California desert area off the 138, and somewhere between Palmdale and Victorville. An area that is sure to grow, one day, and probably a good investment…yet not in my lifetime Frank. But …

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Artist Wisdoms

Banksy said art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortableCezanne said we live in a rainbow of chaosKlee said a single day is enough to make us a little largerModigliani said it is your duty in life to save your dreamRenoir said it is after you have lost your teeth you can afford to …

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We are all feeling this

“Something will come after this, although who knows what that will be. All we know is it’s not time to build just now.””a time when all the cards have been thrown up into the air, waiting to be gathered upinto new patterns.”Here is a passage from Emerson’s famous essay “The Over-Soul”:Yet there is a depth …

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There’s a race on

Got an email to “inform” me that NASCAR starts today, and it is prefaced witha huge colorful photo of racing carswhich leads me to a flashing, channeling memory of Uncle Archevery time i stopped by his house, his tall frame would be comfortably stretched over the couch with the TV on with some sort of …

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it’s not the wine

i thought, maybe, it was the wine so, i stopped drinking weeks ago, and i’m doing fine with the the insomnia tea and a couple of CDB capsules to get through the evenings until this evening when someone posts something endearing on Facebook and the next thing i’m listening to Sting “Fields of Gold” on …

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cafeteria dream

several dreams with a waking between – one dream i remember, i was in a huge cafeteria, perhapson a university campus (at least that is what the environment looked like to me.) i was waitressing on many tables, busy and trying to please everyone, while not feeling like i was doing a good job of …

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Glass Eye Dream

dreamt of glass eye in my dream, someone was starting to place a glass eye in my left eye. i was thinking (as this was happening) – this sure is different when it is actually happening, from my thinking of it, even though this was actually in a dream. so i looked up on Google: …

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