To Susan, Kelly, Chris, and Ava,
I want to personally wish you my condolences. Jean was very special to both Bill and I.
Bill is now in assisted living in San Diego, near his niece. We still talk almost every day,
and check our lottery tickets (some things never change).
I have been sending fun things I find (matching Jeans' sense of humor) and pictures of
the seasons here in WA state to Jean - through a combination of emails and messages.
The last I talked to her was a FaceTime in the beginning of the year, and she said that
she enjoyed getting communication from me, even though it was hard for her to respond…
i understood and so i continued knowing that her caretaker was reading everything to her.
Jean had such a wonderful spirit and we instantly connected.
We enjoyed sharing simple observations of life and the dreams that come out of that.
We both felt the “cosmic connection’ that stirs underneath, resides near the gut instinct,
and talks through the heart.
We both enjoyed a good sushi dinner, and we must have tried every sushi bar on the northern end of Ventura Blvd. at one time. Jean carried a small bottle of hot sauce in her purse, incase the "spicey tuna roll" wasn't hot enough.
we also never stopped walking and exploring the world around us (dogs help pull us
in that direction). We walked every existing path in Lake Balboa Park (some were
quite unknown except to the three of us with our dogs) We hiked Mulholland,
where you could see the whole SFV and turn a corner and see the ocean and the Palisades.
We hiked to the old Nike center, and a few of the fire roads off Mulholland,
from the valley side, the Kenter Trailhead off Sunset, and the path that leads through Beverly Hills backyards down to the Laurel Canyon Dog Park.
When Jean and Frank moved to Westlake, it just opened new vistas, up the Triunfo Trail
and around the Lake.
Ever one for new experiences, a glass of wine on the back patio was just as enjoyable
for the conversation. It is strange how the simplest of things, like a walk in the park,
comes to be one of your most endearing relationships over 30 some odd years.
I am lighting a candle in the evening with my intention of sending love and compassion
to all of you.
My belief is that the body drops, but the soul continues. And Jean and Frank are still
hanging around, at the ready for conversation and a glass of wine,
so sometimes I indulge them.