Evening Music

i have a current early evening habit that has become a, sort of summer ritual day ending, as i watch the lighting change the colors and receding perspective layers of green, vanishing valley of trees, i can see to the East, now the long shadows of the slow Western descent of the late summer sun, and with this comes the night roosting the barely visible flights to evening nests the crows, jays, robins, finches, doves, and sparrows the crows seem the loudest calling bell to dusk from higher maple branches, with their caw caw caw i've taken to tucking them in with a bit of music when i hear them harken the night, i chime in with a bit of Bach Lute works, intensely complex flow of notes and fingering, and within the silences of the musical structure the crows seem to respond, goodnight birds goodnight as a foot note, imagine my surprise, last night Sept. 8th before the full moon has had a peek i am playing Bach for the birds and i decide to see what Hafiz says, from the volume "A Year with Hafiz - Daily Contemplations" i turn to the page and read this: 
Build a house for men and birds. Sit with them and play music.
For a day, for just one day, talk about that which disturbs no one
and bring some peace, my friend, into your beautiful eyes.
