i received such nice gifts and thoughts from family and friends on my birthday this year.
to start with, Bill made a mean (slang=good) fish dinner. with a good bottle of wine and great conversation to top it off. unfortunatley, i didn’t take any photos of this, so you will have to use your imagination. in a word – relaxing.
several boxes came to my porch. i often think i enjoy the boxes and unwrapping and anticipation, as much as what’s in them. since a lot of exchange and sharing of thoughts happens online in my world, i also thought i would share my thank you here to each and everyone. and since pictures (sometimes) relate more than words, i’ll include a few of the latter also.
the wagenseller box of goodies was delightful and a little puzzling. Before i even opened any of the numerous packages contained within… there was a beautiful article from the San Franscisco Chronicle on unrecognized woman artists (a theme that exists throughout history, and one dear to Karen’s and my hearts). So, of course i stopped unwrapping to read this article. Beneath that there was the obituary section of the paper. i wasn’t sure whether someone we knew had died, or this was a subtle joke (knowing at a certain age, you start reading the obituaries)

so, i proceeded to read them, but found no one i knew. ahhh, thank goodness, i must still be alive! so i proceeeded to open the numerous packages with delight. I can tell you with certainty that the chocolate/orange wafers, didn’t last a week 🙂 The tea and honey are being slowly savored on the cool overcast mornings that surface periodically here in So. Cal. And the roasted sesame oil, needs a special recipe (hint: if you have one send it). The candles i will get to further down in this post.

and then we come to the great theatrical treasure box from Conner and Jeff (ok, guys great find!), and I open it to find a porcelian rose inside! along side a note that reads: The history of th hinge box dates back to Limoge france in the 17th Century. It can be used for Secret Messages, Love Notes, or storing other valuables (well i have a lot of those- but i don’t think any of you will fit in the box).

Don’t be surprised if the box shows up at your door one day with a secret message inside.
Then we come to Renee and Zoe’s box (literally- you can see it written on the box). Renee always sends these boxes, and in some cases i have returned the favor. And the box itself always makes me laugh, it’s like a practical “Sutton” joke or something…

inside is everything i need to physically get in shape (so now i figure, i’m not in the obituaries yet, but i must be thoroughly falling apart physically 🙂 must be the hours i spend in front of the computer.

anyways, i’m happy to say, IT’S WORKING in less than eight weeks, and look at me now, why i could start my own tv show. and i haven’t started using the ball or pilates stretch, i simple put on the work out clothes and i look much better!

and i love this little lady. around her neck it says “Hang In There” she sits on the drawing board in the living room, so i pass her often and she makes me smile each time.

The very cool Sondra, gave me this scented candle in the Kiss bag. And as you can tell by the wicks it has already been used. We had an earth hour, back in April, when everyone was supposed to turn off their electricity for a certain hour, for earth conservation awareness. Which i did.

lighting all the candles that have been sent to me by friends and meditated on thoughts of them, while doing Soduko puzzles by candle light. it was an awesome hour, the house smelled great, and thinking i need to remember to do that more often.

the gifts in the photo above came to me by the perfect pear. so by now i’m thinking…
i’m not dead yet
i’ve got to get in shape
and i have a lot of things to see before i die
phew, i’m tired just writing that.
the stamps will go to good use in a hand-made card (i’m getting some ideas together on that). and as to the plate…Claudine has given me a number of great serving dishes over the years, and they always find their way to her home when i bring something to the family tribal gathering, i’m looking forward to the next “Holcomb Holiday” to put this plate to use.

I’ve had the good fortune to visit a couple of gardens this spring, with Nataliya and her family. If you missed the link to photos from January at Descanso Gardens, i repeat it here for you. And I don’t have the photos from huntington up yet (time flies). Nataliya gave me the lovely torquoise necklace above, which I wore to the garden walk.

and Karen’s mom sent me this beautiful angel – “to watch over my new house”, which i take as a good sign that the “house” dream is getting close.
i couldn’t say it any better than the card with the angel, looking over me,
life is beautiful
life is peaceful
life is full (of great friends)
life is good