i remember watching the car in the next lane over, on the 4 lane road. there were 2 occupants, in the front seat. i was in the back seat and old enough to see out the windows. at one point i watched the horizon of low distant hills, speed by, through their back window, before they sped ahead of us. i tried to surmise their body language, through that rear window, as they became mere silhouettes within a vanishing point, driving north in a late afternoon sun, until they took the next exit, a mile up the road, and becoming smaller still. Where are they going? i wondered, in my young mind, i tried to imagine them, reaching their destination, the people they would meet there, where they would spend the evening, that the environment was loud with talk, warm with friendship, while they smiled a lot, at each other, which was not lost on their friends, and perhaps they shared innuendos, that come from years of shared experience. Yet the night wore on, and darkness descended, and as the car slowed down, i returned to my surroundings, the veil of this dream evaporated, and i found myself home. #worldpoetryday #roxstyle