it has been a busy week. Lots of inspiration driving thought.
Hotrod started this discussion on using REM units The REM Fallback with Sass or LESS
i’m currently using EM because of REM support issues. With a fallback , i’ll consider the move forward.
Asuh commented
yeah, i’ve already decided that will use rem with px fallback for everything. hopefully we can drop support for px by end of 2014.
this article is a recent discussion on BEM
all the links off the article are good. seem to be reading a lot of Nicolas Gallagher lately
this is new to me

you can’t go wrong with Harry
and for reference
We were looking at various grids. Once that is decided there is no turning back mid-stream. so choose carefully.
Looking at “must haves”
- Mobile First
- Source Ordering
Foundation4 (not just a grid, a framework, but set up so you can use components)
2. Mobile First
3. Source Ordering
I am most familiar with Foundation4 since I am actually using the grid in a current project. Foundation4 grid is “em” based, responsive and mobile first. It has a method for source ordering

Asuh is fond of CSS Wizardy was curious if
“I wonder how this source ordering compares to Harry’s version of the grid. “
The only thing I am thinking at this moment is, I would like the time to do a POC of several grid systems (with components) to put them to the test.