Our dear friend Omkar Kirtan has kindly contributed a by-donation copy of the beautiful mantra Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha – Clear The Path as part of his offering for the Global Days of Unity. Download via https://www.omkarkirtan.com/ganapataye
Ganesh – remover of obstacles, strength, ingenuity, when starting a journey or new project.

Charles Eisenstein speaking at the Unity Event 2 weeks ago on Facebook also on Youtube on economics, science, philosophy and psychology – asking big questions.
SAFE SPACING Sacred Solitude Deep Grounding Energize the magnetic field
New York Times article Coronavirus America Future
We are still in the first wave of this virus, and there are still a lot of unknowns! Stay safe, stay home. A high percent of people who get sick are dying, including young and healthy patients. this virus is messing with young patients’ hearts… and not a little bit. This is only the first wave of the infection. We don’t know whether or not infected individuals are gaining immunity.We don’t know the effect of viral load yet. We don’t know ALL the effects of this virus yet. We don’t even know how to treat this well yet…